Setting homework

Evidence shows that the quality of homework set by a school is more important that the quantity. Indeed, it is likely that the impact of homework on learning and progress reduces as the amount of time young people spend on it increases.

To be effective, homework set by teacher must related to the learning undertaken in school. Therefore teachers will set homework only when it is integral to learning (and never for the sake of it). Homework might take the following forms:

  • Practise
  • Preparation
  • Extension

Sometimes, parents and carers ask the school for daily homework tasks to help keep children in good learning routines at home. Generally, we do not set these tasks however there is a wealth of digital and printed solutions available for parents and carers. These are given below.

We all have dreams. But in order to make dreams come into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline, and effort.


Sparx builds maths confidence through personalised homework and online activities.


Oak National Academy

A wide range of lessons, activities and self-marking quizzes.

Oak Academy

Continuity Oak


The Welsh examination board provide a range of past papers, knowledge organisers and revision resources.


Carlam Cymru

Carlam Cymru provide GCSE, AS and A2 level revision videos that will help learners to prepare and enrich their knowledge ahead of exams.

Carlam Cymru


Home learning activities from the Welsh Government. Simply filter by Key Stage and subject.


BBC Bitesize

Learn and revise by Key Stage and by subject. Register for a personalised experienced by clicking on ‘My Bitesize’.

BBC Bitesize


The following popular publications are available to buy online.

CGP Key Stage 3


Collins Key Stage 3

Collins GCSE

Pearson GCSE