St Teilo’s is a place of learning, formation and human flourishing in which we seek to nurture individuals so that they might have life in all its fullness (John 10:10). Our approach to pupil wellbeing holds at its centre a belief in the profound goodness of every child, whom God has made perfectly and purposefully.
This is our message to the children and young people we serve:
- We believe in you.
- We trust in you.
- You are listened to.
- You are cared for.
- You are important.
- You will succeed.
At St Teilo’s, we do not judge children until we know them. We do not underestimate children until we have challenged them. We do not talk about children until we have talked to them. Our role is no less than to provide an example of enduring love and kindness.
I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.
The team around the child
St Teilo’s boasts a large and highly effective team around the child. Alongside a strong teaching workforce and Senior Leadership Team, the Wellbeing Team comprises:
- Achievement Leaders
- Assistant Achievement Leaders
- Form Tutors
- Youth Workers
- Befrienders
- Priests
- Safeguarding Officers
In addition, the Inclusion Team comprises:
- Additional Learning Needs Coordinator (ALNCo)
- Specialist Teachers
- Inclusion teachers
- Higher Level Associate Teachers
- Associate Teachers
The Inclusion Team specialise in a broad range of Additional Learning Needs.
Partnerships and therapeutic support
The school is enfolded in support from professional partners, offering timely and effective care to children. Our associate staff include:
- Youth Service Youth Mentor
- LACE Service Youth Mentor
- School Nurse
- Primary Mental Health Team
- Counsellors
- Play Therapist
- Creative Therapist
- Police School Liaison Officer
- Neighbourhood Policing Team
Partner organisations also support us in providing direct work to children and young people as required:
- Head Above The Waves
- Fearless
- Sexual Health Outreach Team
- Bullies Out
- Show Racism The Red Card
- Women's Aid
- Switched On