Why uniform matters
School uniform is a contentious issue that very few people agree about! However, a sensible school uniform policy can have many benefits for young people:
- Uniform provides a sense of community and cohesion within the school
- Uniform supports good discipline and engagement
- Uniform takes away the pressure of wearing fashion brands
- Uniform enables pupils of all backgrounds to share in a common identity
- Uniform helps reduce inequalities between pupils and prevent bullying
- Uniform assists in identifying strangers on school premises and keeps children safe
The #TeamTeilo approach
At the heart of the #TeamTeilo approach is the voice of children and young people. After all, it is their uniform! Unlike most schools, our uniform is not prescriptive. Rather, we offer a range of clothes from within a 'brand' meaning that pupils can wear what they'd like, when they'd like. Our vision is all about choice which provides autonomy, allows for expressions of individualism, increases 'buy-in', and creates cohesion.
The Headteacher and Governing Body give due regard to the Welsh Government's statutory guidance on school uniform and appearance (WG23-17).
The #TeamTeilo approach is unique. By bringing uniform directly from manufacturer to families - with no provider in between - we are able to remove the profit margins added by the clothing industry. Our range of branded clothing supports families in making choices that suit their budget and allows payments to be spread over the course of the school year.
The brand can be worn by both males and females and does not change between years. Swapping and sharing is more possible between family and friends.
The uniform does not change with the seasons and no additional specialist clothing is required.
Our approach allows us to obtain the best value for money from suppliers - with no one business having a monopoly over school uniform supply.
The #TeamTeilo approach supports recycling uniform. Our brand is non-gendered and does not change between age groups. This means that swapping and sharing is easy! The school gratefully receives unused or second-hand uniform that is in good condition. These items are available to families from the school free of charge.
The #TeamTeilo approach does not set out requirements for any specialist clothing. Young people can wear what they want, when they want, from within our brand. There is plenty of available choice suitable for sport - such as shorts, skorts and t-shirts - and these same items can be used at other times, such as during hot weather.
Occasionally, young people have particular medical or sensory needs that require flexibility with uniform. The #TeamTeilo approach offers a range of clothing in varying fabrics. This increase in choice means that young people can select the items that work best for them.
Nobody ever agrees about school uniform! The #TeamTeilo approach is unique insofar as it provides maximum choice to young people and their families. Generally, comfort and engagement will be prioritised over smartness. However, families are invited to request any new additions to the range.
The #TeamTeilo approach is designed to uphold the principles of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. In particular, our uniform reinforces the missional rights of:
- Right III - the right to my own thoughts and beliefs
- Right V - the right to extra support if disabled or with additional learning needs
- Right VI - the right to be as healthy and happy as possible
- Right IX - the right to be safe around adults and other young people
- Right X - the right to be listened to and taken seriously
- Right XI - the right to be treated fairly and not in a cruel way
The #TeamTeilo approach seeks to ensure that no child is discriminated against. Flexibility is offered to promote expressions of religious belief, for example wearing a crucifix, hijab (in plain black) or kara. Uniform is non-gendered. Adjustments are available to young people with disabilities. There is no one-size-fits-all requirement.
It is important to follow the care instructions provided on labels. Our printed logos have been triple-applied for longevity however repeated use of a tumble dryer, for example, will degrade the quality of the item. Cool washes and air drying are good for clothes, good for the environment and good for your pocket!
What to wear
All branded St Teilo's items are available to buy directly from the school by cash or debit or credit card.
On your feet
- Any shoes which are entirely black. These can be leather school shoes, canvas shoes or trainers.
- Plain black socks.
On your bottom half
- Traditional, classic, tailored school trousers or skirt in black.
- Any St Teilo's branded item (such as shorts, leggings, skort or tracksuit bottoms).
On your top half:
- Any St Teilo's branded items (such as t-shirts, polo shirts, hoodies, sweatshirts or sportswear).
Points of clarification
The home-school contract requires parents and carers to ensure that children adhere to the uniform policy:
- Shoes must be entirely black in colour - no other colours or logos
- For safety, facial piercings are not allowed (just one small stud in each ear)
- Trousers must be classic, tailored trousers (not leggings or jeans, for example)
- Skirts must be tailored (not lycra or skinny)
- Head coverings must be plain and black
- Coats must be plain and dark, without large logos or adornments
- The only brand allowed in school is the St Teilo's brand!
Please note: YC Sports is no longer our uniform supplier.
The School Essentials Grant
Children whose families are on lower incomes and qualify for certain benefits can apply for a grant of:
- £125 per learner
- £200 for learners entering year 7 (to help with increased costs associated with starting secondary school)
All compulsory school years from reception to year 11 are now eligible.
All looked after children qualify for the grant, whether they receive free school meals or not. Learners who receive free school meals due to transitional protection arrangements do not qualify.
Families are only entitled to claim once per child, per school year.