Learner Voice
Learner Voice
In designing our approaches to pupil wellbeing, inclusion and support, it is essential that the voice of the child is amplified. It is a child’s right to have a say in decisions that affect them by virtue of Article 12 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (alongside participatory rights in Articles 13, 14, 15, 17 and 31). You can find out more about the UNCRC here.
Our School Council comprises an excellence, equity and faith committee and meets regularly to discuss important issues to children. Elected student representatives receive training from our partner, Elevate, to empower them as advocates for their peers. The work of the School Council is not simply to be heard, but to co-construct, plan, lobby, monitor and evaluate. The Headteacher meets with the full assembly of the School Council and the Senior Leadership Team meet with their respective committees each half term.
The school regularly takes a ‘temperature check’ with pupils by means of its wellbeing survey. There is also a targeted provision to gain views about wellbeing and learning from children experiencing barriers to learning.
The Wellbeing Team manages suggestion boxes for each year group so that pupils can tell us about their opinions, concerns or comments (anonymously, if they wish). The voice of children is central to all teaching and learning reviews.
Raise your words, not voice. It is rain that grows flowers, not thunder.