Annual School Iftar

From the Headteacher

I am delighted to sponsor the annual school Iftar taking place on Tuesday 18 March 2025 from 5.30pm to 7.30pm. The event is limited to St Teilo's students only, of all faiths and none. As always, the Iftar is being managed by our Sixth Form and they have provided important information below. If you wish to attend, be sure to sign up using the link below by the end of Sunday 16 March 2025.

Register for the Iftar now

From the organisers

This is a special and inclusive event for all St Teilo's students and everybody in #TeamTeilo is welcome. Our annual school Iftar brings us together to reflect upon the Blessed Month - it is a learning experience and also great fun!

We really do hope you will attend. Not only will your participation help a worthy cause, it will also be a rewarding experience as we connect with one another in the spirit of understanding, respect and inclusion.

Event details
  • The event will start at 5.30pm and finish at 7.30pm.
  • Entry costs £10 and you should bring this with you in cash. The fee covers dates, decorations, food (mostly pizza!) and drink, and also includes a charitable donation.
  • You must sign up in advance. If you have not registered for the Iftar, you will not be permitted entry.
  • School uniform is not required.
  • Do not forget to sign up now!

Register for the Iftar now

Our chosen charity

This year, we will be supporting Share The Meal, part of the United Nations World Food Programme. In particular, monies raised will go to two projects:


Shared meals will provide hot meals, ready-to-eat food, monthly food baskets, cash support and nutrition supplements to families rebuilding their lives in Gaza.

Read more or donate now


Shared meals will provide food and nutrition support to people fleeing conflict in Sudan.

Read more or donate now