Letter from the Headteacher (2023-24) 3

Education is changing...

We are experiencing a significant shift in the paradigm of education in Wales. The 'Curriculum for Wales' aims to support schools in developing their own curriculum - with local decision making at its heart - as young people, staff and families work together to decide what matters most in meeting the challenges of a fast-changing world. 

This is a hugely exciting time (if not a little overwhelming)! We have been working on our approach to the Curriculum for Wales for a number of years. We call this our 'mission' and you can read a short introduction here. The starting point and aspiration for every child and young person is described by the intentions and four purposes of our curriculum. If you are eager to delve into more detail, you will find further information under the 'mission' tab on our website.

The Curriculum for Wales, whilst inspiring, demands new approaches to assessment, qualifications and school performance. Those children in Years 7 and 8, for example, will be sitting brand new GCSEs which have not yet been written or published! For all pupils, the school is finding new ways to support learner progression as we navigate the choppy waters of change.

...and so is assessment

Assessment is part of young people's every day learning. Our staff support learners to help them see where they are in their learning, plan their next learning steps and spot any issues or extra support they need. Assessment also helps teachers to find ways to challenge pupils and see how well pupils are doing.

You can find out about assessment at St Teilo's here. There is a lot to take in and you might find the assessment journeys at the bottom of the page particularly helpful.

Guides for parents and carers about the Curriculum for Wales are available in English, Welsh, Arabic, Bengali, Bulgarian, Chinese, Czech, Dari, Farsi, French, Gujrati, Hungarian, Latvian, Nepali, Pashto, Polish, Romanian, Ukrainian and Urdu.

Our mission is no less than to inspire children and young people to live the alternative reality of the Kingdom of God within the present world order faithfully.

A few reminders...

Reporting your child's absence

Parents and carers must report their child's absence online on the first day of absence and every day thereafter. Simply complete the form found here or click on the 'Absence' link in the main menu. The telephone system for leaving messages will soon be made redundant.


Poor punctuality has an adverse effect on learning for the whole class. Parents and carers are reminded that children should be on site by 8.30am, ready to attend first lesson by 8.40am. Students have five minutes to move between lessons so  there is never a reason to be late. To improve punctuality to lessons, the school is sending messages to parents every Friday. If you receive a message about your child's lateness, please do ensure that a robust conversation is held and that you impress upon them the need to be on time.

Site access

I would like to remind parents and carers that parking on site is not permitted after 2.15pm. If you are collecting your child from school please park along Circle Way East, or another residential road, so that your child can safely walk to you. It is essential that the school can maintain a calm, organised site which protects the safety of children. A minor inconvenience is a small price to pay for child safety. If you wish to collect your child in person, please wait at either of the school gates as opposed to coming on site.

Keeping in touch

Parents and carers are encouraged to be in regular contact with us. The principal points of contact are:

You are also invited to contact me directly by emailing headteacher@stteilos.com. Please do remember that staff are unlikely to be available without notice in person or by telephone (they are busy working with children); email is by far the most effective way to contact us! Likewise, those parents who attend school without an appointment will be politely declined.

Always be sure to keep up to date with news and events by visiting our website regularly.


Mr I Loynd, Headteacher