Letter from the Headteacher (2023-24) 9

God-given gifts

Last week's performance of 'Teilo's Got Talent' was a feast for the senses! I laughed, gasped and cried as act after act wowed the audience with song, gymnastics, dance and music. Young people never fail to amaze me with the depth and breadth of their gifts.

During the Sports Festival, too, hundreds of children ran, threw, climbed, dodged and got very, very muddy! The day was a joyous example of an inclusive, loving and enthusiastic community full of happy young faces. What a great end to the academic year!

I've never been much of a sports person - and you wouldn't want to listen to me sing - but James 1:17 tells us that every gift is from God. We may have different talents and God-given gifts, but they are all important and can be used for God’s kingdom. You might not be the best at maths, perhaps you struggle in art, but deep within you are the unique and special talents that God has bestowed. Whatever your talents may be, God wants us to use them for good and to improve the world around us. 

In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

Culture day

Our term will end this Friday and, as is tradition, we will spend some time celebrating our diverse community. Years 7, 8 and 9 will be teaching one another during lessons 3 and 4 (as they have prepared resources as part of their Young Leaders qualification). During an extended lunch, all year groups will be invited to try foods from across the globe prepared by our caterers. And, in the final lesson of the day, forms will take part in a cultural quiz.

Children are invited to wear cultural or religious dress to school on Friday. Likewise, students are welcome to bring musical instruments or other such items that are of interest and cultural significance. We want young people to be proud of their rich and varied backgrounds - including Welsh heritage, of course!


Final uniform orders have now been received. The school will be open for collection and payment from 9am until 6pm on Monday 2, Tuesday 3 and Wednesday 4 September before term begins on Thursday 5 September. Going forward, only the new uniform will be available for purchase directly from the school (however, children may still wear any legacy uniform if they wish). You can remind yourself all about uniform here.

Results days

Level 3 (mostly A Level) results are available for collection from 8am until 12pm on Thursday 15 August 2024 in the main hall. Support with transitions, including UCAS, will be available.

Level 1 and 2 (mostly GCSE) results are available for collection from 9am until 12pm on Thursday 22 August 2024 in the main hall. Support with transitions, including enrolment to the Sixth From, will be available.

Sixth Form enrolment

Enrolment to the Sixth Form takes place on Thursday 22 August (the same day as results) from 9am until 12pm in the main hall. Remember that each course has entry criteria and programmes of study will be matched to the outcomes received. Sixth Form candidates can place orders for uniform during enrolment, for collection and payment when the term begins. Please note that YC Sports no longer provides uniform to St Teilo's.

Back to school

Year 7 will receive an induction on Wednesday 4 September 2024.

All other students will return to school on Thursday 5 September 2024. Please ensure that children arrive promptly - no later than 8.30am - ready for lessons at 8.40am.

School reports

You will now have received all reports for the year. The most recent of these are the personalised assessment outcomes for Years 7, 8 and 9. You can remind yourself of assessment arrangements by year group here.

HPV catch up

Any young people in Years 8, 9, 10 or 11 who missed their HPV vaccination in school are able to attend a catch-up clinic on Monday 22 July 2024 at Rookwood Hospital, Fairwater Road, Cardiff CF5 2YN. To book an appointment, telephone the Immunisation Team on 02920907661.

Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing

The Hangout at 26-28 Churchill Way is open to anyone aged 11-18 during the summer break. It's a place where children can meet other people, access mental health support, find volunteering opportunities, and get involved in groups to boost wellbeing. You can find out more here.

Water safety

Accidental drowning is a real and present risk for young people during the summer months. Please ensure that you speak with your child about water safety before they spend time out with their friends. You can find helpful information from the Canal and River Trust here.

With every best wish for a joyful summer,

Mr I Loynd, Headteacher

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