Mock examinations

Parents and carers are reminded that mock examinations for Year 10 begin on 20 January 2025.

Examinations take place in normal timetabled lessons over a two to three week period (depending on your child's particular programme of learning).

A blank timetable has been provided to your child and it may be helpful for them to fill this in, should they so wish.

Mock examinations are nothing to worry about! They do, however, provide several key benefits for students:

Practice under exam conditions

They give students the opportunity to experience the silence of exam settings, helping to reduce future anxiety and build confidence.

Identify strengths and areas for development

The results help teachers and students identify where additional support is needed, enabling targeted revision before the final exams.

Develop time management skills

Students learn how to allocate time effectively during an exam, a crucial skill for success.

Set realistic expectations

Mock results help students gauge their current progress and understand the effort required to achieve their goals.

Parents and carers can continue to support children by:

Establishing a revision routine

Encourage your child to create a realistic revision schedule, balancing study time with breaks to maintain focus and energy. You can find revision advice here.

Providing a quiet study environment

Ensure they have a comfortable, distraction-free space to revise. If your home is a busy one, reach out to family or friends or help to provide transport to a local library or community hub.

Accessing resources

Make use of any revision guides, online platforms, or materials provided by their teacher. You will find great sources of revision here.

Practicing exam techniques

Encourage your child to use past papers or timed quizzes to familiarize themselves with exam-style questions. Please refer to the WJEC website.

If you have any questions or concerns about the mock examinations, please do contact the Headteacher

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