New uniform roll-out

Our uniform roll-out continues with new items added to the brand by demand!

You can read all about the new uniform, the rationale and our shared hopes here.

Every child must attend school in uniform. This can be either the new uniform or the old - whichever is preferred. From September, only the new uniform will be available.

Updated order forms have been given out in hard copy today. A digital copy is available for download below. Orders can be placed between now and the half term break with delivery thereafter.

How to order

If you would like to purchase new uniform for your child, please complete the order form provided to them. Simply write the quantity of each item you wish to purchase. The order form with payment (in cash or card) should be returned by your child during first break in the main hall.

We cannot accept meetings with parents or carers at this time to place orders.

There is a selection of items to try on for sizing, should your child wish. These are also available in the hall during first break each day.

If you've questions, please do contact us. Again, we wish to remind you that purchasing new uniform is entirely voluntary and the existing uniform can still be worn.