Section 50 Inspection

From the Headteacher

In September, St Teilo's was subject to a 'Section 50' (church) school inspection. The inspection was undertaken at short notice - just five days - and the school benefitted from the insight of a very experienced inspector. Allyson Taylor is National SIAMS (Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools) Advisor and her reflections form a crucial part of the school's self-evaluation.

As always, I welcome school inspection as both a necessary and helpful form of monitoring and evaluation. It was a pleasure to welcome Allyson to Wales and she left with a strong sense of what it means to belong to #TeamTeilo.

Our strengths were highlighted as:

  • "St Teilo’s is a model for other schools, whether Christian or community in foundation. Its highly inclusive culture means that means there are no ‘Lost Sheep’.
  • Leadership inspires adults and pupils with its profound commitment to each person becoming who God intends them to be. Consequently, personal development and academic outcomes are exceptional.
  • Staff provide a vibrant, secure environment for learning that allows all pupils, especially those who need additional support, to have a fresh start where needed and hope for the future.
  • Partnerships with families and carers are compassionate and respectful. In this way, the school ministers beyond its gates."

And our areas for development:

  • "Extend the shared language of spirituality so that adults and young people may more confidently articulate and express their spiritual growth.
  • Formalise systems for monitoring and evaluating the impact of the Christian mission so this explicitly informs next steps as a Church in Wales school.
  • Explore ways to enhance the experience of religious education for young people in the Sixth Form."

I have provided some key highlights below.

With every blessing,

Canon I Loynd, Headteacher

St Teilo’s is a school led with open minds, open hands and open hearts. It provides a special Christian mission-based education that is both life-affirming and life-enhancing.

On distinctiveness as a Church in Wales school

"The school’s vision as a place of ‘learning and formation’ is powerfully lived out in its mission and actions. Christian-based love enfolds and drives the school. There is an authentic welcome and consequently, adults and pupils grow and thrive as cherished individuals. They are guided to become who they are meant to be. Lives are transformed."

On meeting the needs of learners

"St Teilo’s is a shining example of a Christian community in action. This means that the distinctive Christian character is fundamental to how staff meet the needs of the school community."

"Staff receive expert guidance on how to help learners who have barriers to learning. This means there is a consistent approach to learning and a fostering of positive relationships. Pupils cite examples of staff ‘going the extra mile’ and ‘never giving up on me’."

"Learners flourish because they are known and loved as unique and precious."

"Teaching, and so learning, are of high quality. Additional learning support is extremely effective."

On the impact of collective worship

"The worship life of the school embodies its mission of inclusive love."

"When inviting reflection or prayer, care is taken to be respectful to those of a range of faiths and worldviews."

"Collective worship is greatly enriched by the offer of worship in the beautiful chapel. This space provides time for calm reflection. Pupils are guided to be calm, to focus on their breathing and to think of the positives in their lives. This practice is based on the Christian ‘Ignatian Examen’ and is much appreciated by many adults and pupils."

On the effectiveness of religious education

"Assessments and exam outcomes demonstrate the effectiveness of excellent subject leadership and highly skilled teaching."

"Leaners speak of the respect which the subject fosters and how it is important to them to understand the views of others."

"Lessons visited during the inspection were impressive. Learners’ recall of previous lessons is well-developed, so knowledge is deep. Study skills are explicitly taught so that pupils are ready to sit assessments. The use of subject-specific vocabulary, known as ‘religious literacy’, is particularly strong."

The study of Christianity is prominent in the curriculum. This gives pupils a foundation upon which to extend their knowledge to a range of religions and worldviews. It also makes a significant contribution to affirming the Christian character of the school."

On leadership and management

"Leaders, particularly the inspirational headteacher and his talented senior team, are united in their deeply held commitment that each individual can be true to themselves and to their beliefs."

"Innovative approaches to learning and character formation are evident in the outstanding progress and exam outcomes. More importantly, the mission is seen in the stunning, positive relationships between adults and young people."

"Staff support each other and express pride in being part of this vibrant community. Teaching and non-teaching staff honour leaders and appreciate the care shown to them."

"Strategic decisions are consistently made through the lens of being a Church school."

"Leaders know their pupils and understand the challenges they and their families may face in their lives."

"To many parents and carers, the school is their main, indeed often only, source of emotional and practical support. As one family member commented, ‘you won’t get this in other schools.’ It is the view of the inspector that this is because of exceptionally devoted leaders."

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