Wellbeing Fayre (Years 10-13)

An invitation for parents and carers

On Friday 18 October 2024, the school will host partners from a range of organisations, charities and faith groups who specialise in supporting young people’s wellbeing. Throughout the day, students in Years 10-13 will be able to access the Wellbeing Fayre to learn more about the support available to them within school and within their local communities.

Between 3.30pm and 4.00pm, we would like to extend this invitation to any parent or carer who may wish to seek advice and support on behalf of their child or, perhaps, ask any questions in relation to their child’s wellbeing.

Some of our exhibiting partners include:

  • Cardiff City Foundation: specialists in youth engagement through sport
  • Heads Above the Waves: a not-for-profit organisation who support people who struggle with their emotional wellbeing or self-injury
  • Media Academy Cymru: a creative organisation that utilises media to divert young people from low level criminality, exploitation or poor decision making
  • Meic: a helpline service that listens to young people, providing advice and support on any topic
  • Ethic Youth Support Team (EYST): who provide a range of support and services that are culturally sensitive, with a focus on supporting young BME people
  • Cardiff Youth Service: who work with young people to provide a safe space and enriching opportunities, with a focus on personal, social and educational development
  • City Hospice: specialists in support for those who are bereaved or those who care for the seriously ill
  • Cardiff and Vale Drug and Alcohol Service: specialists in any drug or alcohol related issues, providing advice and guidance without judgement
  • Cardiff Women’s Aid: specialists in supporting young people or women who have been witness to, or subject of, domestic abuse
  • The School Nursing Team and In Reach Team: who work with young people in a clinical capacity to provide support and guidance, as well as accessing other key services within the health sector
  • Local Faith Youth Groups: who all offer a range of activities within their faith settings for young people to access
  • Neighbour Policing Team: who support young people in the community, keeping them safe from crime
  • Spectrum: who work with young people in schools to support the anti-Violence against Women agenda, delivering sessions on healthy relationships
  • YEF Project: who work in East Cardiff to protect and safeguard young people from exploitation

There is no requirement to book - just turn up! We look forward to seeing you there!

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