3 February, 2025
End of Key Stage Assessments
Parents and carers are reminded that end of key stage assessments for Year 9 begin on 10 February 2025.
Assessments take place in normal timetabled lessons over a two to three week period (depending on your child's particular timetable).
The school works to ensure that no one day is overly burdened with assessments and that tests are spread out as much as possible.
End of key stage assessments are nothing to worry about! They do, however, provide several key benefits for students:
Practice under exam conditions
They give students the opportunity to experience the silence of exam settings, helping to reduce future anxiety and build confidence.
Identify strengths and areas for development
The results help teachers and students identify where additional support is needed, and inform the options process before Key Stage 4.
Develop time management skills
Students learn how to allocate time effectively during an exam, a crucial skill for success.
Set realistic expectations
Assessments help students gauge their current progress and understand the effort required to achieve their goals.
The assessments will underpin the judgements given on the written report later this term. The school will inform parents which quartile their child is performing in (in other words if their outcomes are in the top 25% or 50% or lowest 25% or 50%).
There is no requirement for extensive revision to take place for end of key stage assessments. Classes are guided through the assessments which are designed to be 'formative' and reveal as much about your child's understanding as possible (as opposed to test their memory)!
There are, however, some excellent sources for assessment preparation here.
If you have any questions or concerns about the mock examinations, please do contact the Headteacher.