Letter from the Headteacher (2022-23) 9


The Day of Pentecost marks fifty days since Easter Day and brings the Easter season to an end. It is a major feast of the Church’s year when Christians recall how God’s Holy Spirit was given to the disciples after Jesus’ ascension, empowering them to begin the work of making disciples of all nations. 

When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place. And suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting.

Pentecost is one of my favourite feast days in the Christian calendar. Jesus promised us he would send his comforter - the Holy Spirit - through whom we find courage and consolation today. As the early believers were empowered to grow God's Kingdom so we, too, are emboldened to build our capacity for good in Wales and the world.

Peter the Apostle gave up his life as a fisherman to lead others to Jesus. He was a simple, flawed man who constantly made mistakes and was always corrected by Jesus. Yet it was this man, fallible and imperfect, that was chosen to stand up in front of thousands - perhaps tens of thousands - and proclaim the Good News of Jesus at Pentecost. He says, "Let me tell you about the Messiah, who is the eternal protection for all of humanity. Let me tell you who he is." Thus, the church was born.

Saint Peter was to become the first Bishop of Rome. If God can choose a fallible man such as this to lead his church, what plans might God have for you and for me, I wonder? In our weakness and inadequacy, however limited and flawed, whatever mistakes we have made, God has big plans for us. He has made us in his image and he loves us without limit. And that makes us pretty special.

Bicycle thefts

I am disappointed to inform you that we have experienced the theft of three bicycles from the school over two days before the half term break. I am working with the neighbourhood policing team in an attempt to recover these bikes, the loss of which is very costly for those affected. Most sadly, CCTV footage reveals that the perpetrators of the thefts are young children, not known to St Teilo's. I would like to help those children, also, and lead them towards right living. 

If your child cycles to school, please ensure that they secure their bicycle using a strong D-lock, as opposed to a simple chain or wire, as bolt cutters have been used to remove security. CCTV coverage is best closest to the building, so bicycles should be stored at the near end of the store.

Year 6 transition

We will begin welcoming our newest students during this half term. Transition packs, full of information and advice, have been distributed to primary schools. You will find key dates on our events page as always. If you've any questions about Year 6 transition, please reach out in the usual ways.


Years 10, 11, 12 and 13 are now in the swing of revision and examinations. I have been so encouraged by their commitment and excellent conduct. You can find out more about the arrangements for Year 11 here.

Uniform and warm weather

Our consultation about school uniform continues, with the second trial beginning for Year 6 in September. In the meantime, the requirements for good uniform remain the same. You can read all about these expectations here. Please do ensure that your child is well-presented. I'd be particularly grateful if you could check that your child's shoes are entirely black ('Converse' high tops are not allowed).

As the weather warms up, I am very happy for children to attend school in their PE kit. This does not mean, however, that young people can wear whatever they wish. Only school uniform or school PE kit are permitted.

Our school building tends to get very warm. It is really important that children bring refillable bottles of water to school and that they refill these in the dining hall during break times.

Parent Governors

We have had an excellent response to our call for parent governors and I thank those who have expressed an interest. We'll be moving to an election and I encourage all parents and carers to play an active role and cast your votes. You'll be hearing from me about this separately in the coming days.

We've a busy and exciting half term ahead!

As ever,

Mr I Loynd, Headteacher

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