7 May, 2024
Letter from the Headteacher (2023-24) 8
Trusting God through exams
I remember my own school examinations with unease. Somewhat a perfectionist, I put a great deal of pressure on myself to do well. My sister, not so. She would do the minimum to get by. Our examinations came and went; life carried on and we have both done well enough.
Whether, like me, you are drowning in the pressures of performing - or, like my sister, you just can't seem to get going - I want you to know that God is on your side.
You are loved! God is present in your worry and discouragement. He is with you in your hopes and successes. God is constant and his love for you knows no limit. When the going gets tough, be kind to yourself and show that same kindness to others.
You are alive! Look around you. There are brilliant, talented, skilled people everywhere. God has made you in his image: perfect and purposeful. That means that you have gifts to offer the world too and you must be alive to all of your God-given potential.
You are a child of God! There is a life after GCSEs, A Levels and further and higher education. As you grow older, your priorities will change. Friendships will come and go. Careers will begin and careers will end. Think beyond such things - after all, when God is on your side, anything in this life is possible.
You've got this! And with the help of God, we've got you.
Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.
Lockdown procedures
Parents and carers should be reassured that the school has a carefully considered dynamic lockdown procedure. It is the 'dynamic' nature of this approach that matters most - there is no 'one size fits all' policy and the approach must always be a response to threats present. You can read more about the policy at St Teilo's here.
Home learning and revision
Evidence shows that the quality of homework set by a school is more important that the quantity. Indeed, it is likely that the impact of homework on learning and progress reduces as the amount of time young people spend on it increases. Sometimes, parents and carers ask the school for daily homework tasks to help keep children in good learning routines at home. Generally, we do not set these tasks however there is a wealth of digital and printed solutions available for your convenience. These resources are particularly useful for examination preparation in the upper years. Find out more about home learning here.
Mental health and wellbeing
On Thursday 9 May 2024, the school will host its first 'Wellbeing Fayre' with partners from a range of organisations, charities and faith groups who specialise in supporting young people’s wellbeing. We wish to invite interested parents and carers to visit between 3.30pm and 4.00pm. This is a wonderful opportunity to learn more about how to support your child's emotional health and wellbeing. Find out more here.
Examinations, revision and stress
The examination season can be really challenging for young people and their families. You can find our best revision tips here. You'll also find some excellent advice about coping with exam stress for young people here and for parents and carers here. Helpful resources, which provide some structure and focus, can be found here.
Study leave
Study leave for Years 12 and 13 begins on Monday 13 May 2024. Teachers will remain available in their rooms during all scheduled lessons so ongoing attendance at school is strongly encouraged. The sixth form study centre will remain open and supervised throughout the examination period. Study leave for Year 11 commences after the half term break and pupils should attend school every day and on time until further notice. There is no study leave for Year 10.
Our new catering provision continues to grow from strength to strength. You can remind yourself of the arrangements here. Most importantly, you must be sure to allow at least 24 hours between charging your child's ParentPay account and their funds showing as available to use in school. You can log into ParentPay here.
The next phase of our uniform roll out continues with new orders available to place from Monday 13 May until Friday 24 May. As before, order forms will be available in school and payments can be taken by cash or debit or credit card. All orders will be taken in the hall during break times over the coming fortnight. By request, polo shirts, sports jackets and tracksuit bottoms have been added to the brand. Samples are available in school for children to try on, should they wish.
School transport
You may wish to remind yourself about the changes to school transport that came into effect in April here. In particular, I need to draw the attention of parents and carers to the Travel Behaviour Code here. Please remember that children who misbehave on school transport may be banned from travel.
Attendance and punctuality
As always, I must reinforce in the strongest possible terms the importance of excellent school attendance and punctuality. You can read all about your rights and responsibilities here.
As ever,
Mr I Loynd, Headteacher